Love and Death

Though the Oppsite of Love is Hate & People don't like to be Hated,
I tell you
If you don't Love me than Hate me
but please don't Avoid me
It Hurts me & I realy mean it.

I ran out of stars

Last night I matched each
star with a reason for
loving you. I was doing
great until I ran out of

The Feeling Of Being Unloved

Heart Touching Lines
The Most Terrible Poverty
Is Loneliness And The
Feeling Of Being Unloved.


Best lines by a Lover....
When I Commit mistake or
Hurt you. YOU should have the Faith that the wrong Was Only 'In-tension' not 'Intention'

I mean it

It's not hard to find
someone who will tell you
that they love you, It's hard
to find someone that
actually mean it.

Missed the Air

Close your Eyes, Relax your Body and Stop your Breathing as Long as you Can,,
Now Breath..
i Miss you as much as you Missed the Air.

Apple in an Orange Tree

If you wake up one day & were asked to have a Wish, what wuold it be???
Mine would be that our Love would last until you See an Apple in an Orange Tree.


"Faith is love taking the form of aspiration."

A small boy

A Small boy innocently asks to His Sister's Boyfriend; Everyday U Come 2 Meet My Sister,

Dont U Have Ur Own Sister?

What hold you together

What holds you together is
far greater than what can tear you apart.

Love is the only Feeling that holds Together. So never hate your Lover.


All day long, i Hear People Talking out Loud.
But when you Talk to Me, your Sweet Voice Drowns out the Crowd.!!
-I mis you Dear.. (:

Never let it disappear

Love is a promise,
love is a souvenir,
once given,
never forgoten,
never let it disappear..

I'm Just Crazy Over YOU

When I See You, I Miss Your Smile,
When i See Ur Smile, I Miss Ur Hug,
When U Hug Me, I Want Ur Kiss,

Ohh! My God !!
I'm Just Crazy
Over YOU!!


The Most Beautiful Cloths
that a Woman Can Wear is
the Arms of the man Whom
She Loves..

The saddest love

The saddest love is to love
someone, to know that
they still want you, but the
circumstances don't let you
have them

Love and Death

Pain full Real Fact
LOVE asked DEATH: Why do poeple like me &
hate you ? DEATH Replied to LOVE:
Because u r a 'Lie' &
I am the 'Truth'.

Live in loneliness

Do i Trust some and get Fooled by Phoniness, Or Do i Trust Nobody and Live in Loneliness?

-Linkin Park


It is nice when someone Holds Umbrella for you in the Rain,
But it is the most Wonderful, if sumone Holds your Hand & Runs Crazily with you in the Rain.


One of the Best Moments in Life is when,
"You see your Yellow Rose turnning Red rose".
Hard to Understand?

So read again..

Your Friend turns into your Love.

Why do we DIE

If Love is Sweet why does it Hurt,
If Love is Deep why does it Burn,
If Love is Warm why do we Shiver,
If Love is Tender why do we Cry,
If Love is Forever why do we Die.

Definition of a happy Loved couple

Definition of a happy Loved couple- . .
" HE does what SHE wants & SHE does what SHE wants."
Intrestingly They Both Wanted Love...

Who live for you

We cant take anything
along with us when we are leaving..
except our loved ones tears..

so live for those peopel who live for you..

Love and fly and melt

Let love flow not melt,
let love fly but notaway.
So love and fly and melt
in your sweetheart's heart..

Love is sickness

Love is sickness because
everybody who gets it,
sooner or later, ends up in bed..!

Let it go

To Lover ssomeone is to Understand each other, to Laugh Together, to Smile with your Heart & to Trust One Another .

One Imporant Thing is to Let each other Go if you cant Do This.

A white cloth

True message by a Lover :

"One Day I Will forget your Face..
That Day A White Cloth
Will Cover My Face forever..!"

Written by GOD

Never compare your love stories with those of movies Bcoz, they are written by script writers, but your's is written by GOD.

A dog bite

Love is like dog bite..
Because The pain of bite
will go away but scar will
last forever... .

She loves

If Dying means never Seeing Her again, i'd rather look at Her every day & Smile while i Die slowly inside as She walks away with the Guy she Loves.


Something Happend to me.
It was the Sweetest thing that ever could be,
It was a Fantasy a Dream come true,
It was the day WHEN WE MET!

In Love Is

In love, it is better to know
and be disappointed, than
to not know and always

Laughter and cry

"A gIrLs LaUgHtEr Is MuCh
MoRe ChEeRfUl tHaN a
BoYs .. BuT a BoYs CrY iS
mUcH mOrE mEaNiNgFuL
ThAn A gIrLs".

Love is there

L o v e
Is Lot Like
A Backache..
It Doesn't Show Up On X-
But You Know
Its There.....

Value of love

"we will realize the value of
Love only when we lose it or else when we get it back...!"

Core of my my My

Pain full Line when Rejected by Lover.

"I loved her... not from the
bottom of my heart, but
from the core of my soul...


Things which live after Death!


Love- Forever

Love Reckon

Love reckons hours for
months, and days for
years; and every little
absence is an age..

Love puts the Fun

Love puts the fun intogether,
the sad in apart,
and the joy in aheart..

Love puts the Fun

Love puts the fun in together,
the sad in apart,
and the joy in a heart..

No Love

Crushes will only crush you.
Falling only hurts you.
Hearts will only break you
If there is no love to save you..

Love is a game

Love is a Game we all choose to Play not knowIng weather we will Win or Lose,
We know we just want to keep PlayIng it with the Person beside us.


"The crime of loving is forgetting."


The expression "I love you" has lost its meaning ..
It's just like saying "hi" these days.


A Child on a Farm sees a Plane fly overhead & Dreams of Flying,
But Pilot on the Plane sees the Farmhouse & Dreams of Returning Home.
-Thats Life!

Afraid to lose

A little Jealousy in a Relationship is Healthy,,
it's nice to know Sumone's afraid to Lose "you". (: (:






Everything has an END







Something left to love

"There is always something left to love. And if you ain't learned that, you ain't learned nothing."

Express and impress

Love is to Express & not to
impress people. When love
is expressed,
Automatically people will
be impressed.!

I gave you

If care is wave i gave you
sea.If respect is a leaf I give
you tree.If Trust is a planet I
give you galaxy.If Love
is life I give you myself.


If (s)he's an Apple & you are an Orange,
Celebrate your diffrnces,
make a Great Fruit Salad.
Love isn't about being d same, its about being Sweet with Each Other.

We fight and scold

We Fight and Scold the One whom we Love the most.
But Interestingly..
We do not like others doing the same to that Person.!!


Pain of True love is like a Baby Crying..
It knows for what it Cries..
It doesn't know to Express it in Words!

Red chilli

L o v E Is Like "R e d - C h i l l i"
It Is Not 0nly Sizzling
Keeps Your Eyes Wet. . .

traffic love

I wish falling in love had
traffic lights, so that I
would know if I should: Go
for it, slow down, or just

Listen to a song

If a Girl tells you to Listen to a Song,
Just make sure you
Pay Attention to the Lyrics
because Its Everything that She wants to Say..!! (:

The Sun

The Sun was brought to it's Knees when you Entered this World, for now you are the Brightest Star to Shine upon the Earth.

Reason to smile

When YOU feel the love, you will get the reason to smile on every single moment you have.

Coming Sun

Love is like the coming sun out of the clouds and warming your soul..!

I would die

Painfull Words by Disappointed Lover....
I'd like to run away
From you,
But if you didn't come
And find me...
I would die.

Always Respect

Always Respect, Honor & Pray For Those Who Helped you In your Bad Time.
Also Be Thankful To Bad Time,
For Showing You Those Who Are YOURS. 


Being visible

Being visible is not always a requirement for being close..
It just takes sum thoughts & memories to feel d presence of sum1 as nice
as u..:-) 


Words of Pain full Lover

Words of Pain full Lover...
"I like not only to be loved,
but also to be told I am

True lovers heart

To love without condition, to talk without intention, to give without reason and to care without expectation is the heart of a True Lover...

Pretty and Ugly

Call a Girl Pretty and She will Remember it for 5 Minutes.

Call a Girl Ugly and She will Remember it Forever.!!  Always

Candle in the window

Even though i wander, i'm keeping you in sight.

You are a Candle in the Window, on a Cold Dark Winters Night.

The real love

The Person who Loves you can Do anything at anytime for just one Smile of Yours,even after Knowing that you are not His/Her Future.   
-Thats called  real Love.

Love and fear

when youur fear touches someones pain, it becomes pity,

when your love touches someones pain,it becomes compassion.

Ture love

True fact:
"True love can't identify soon..
but, when u loose it u will feel & cry for the person to the whole life.."

Hardest thing

One of the hardest things in
life is letting the person I
love the most, walk away
to reach his own

Purity of Heart

Purity of Heart:
I swear that my future Husband wil hav the Honor of being the only Person in this world to know what my Lips taste like.

Good relationships are like trees

Good relationships are like
trees They demand
attention & care in the
beginning but once they
blossoms they provide U
shade in all situation

No space

Boy: I Love You ..

Girl: ILoveYouToo

Boy: Smthng wrong with your space bar?

Girl: No, there's just no space for Me to Love anyone Else.

Man and son

Dear Girls,,
"Don't Marry a Man unless you would be Proud to have a Son exactly like him.

Proper Space

When your Lover lies to you, Its not his fault! Actually its yours.. Because you didn't give him the proper space to tell the truth..!

I always love you

If Tomorrow never comes & Forever we Lives apart.
But always remember that my Breath has taken by you & my Soul is the world you live in!
I wil always Love you.

Such People

Most people walk in and out of our life, but only peopel We Love leave footprints in our heart. Dont miss Such People..

Feel the pain

The one who likes you
most, sometimes hurts you,
but again he is the only one
who feels your pain.

Just a Dream

*Just Think*
What if we woke up, As a Baby
and our WHOLE Life had been a Dream..!!

You are special to me

Every sms you send i keep inside my Heart, every word you say Touches upon my Soul.
We may not See each other but you will always a Sumone Special to Me.

Go and tell HIM/HER

Never waiting to be right when you know it's wrong to Love that Person,
you know for you it's the Best Thing in the World.


Complaint Box

Complaint box..
    | "><"|_
    |          /
Hi, tell me one complaint u alwz hav abt me?
Dnt mis d chance..
Say frankly....
Reduce barrier between the two.

I was in pieces

I was in collected all the pieces and joined them..and made me a man...and put your heart beat in my heart.
Love you dear.

Buddies forever

Sometimes in life we think
we don't need anyone. But
sometime we don't have
anyone when we need... So
don't let your best buddies
go ever...

Loved YOU

I can remember ever touch perfectly, like it was just yesterday that u Held my Hand telling Me you Loved Me.

Love Humanity

Eric Hoffer
"It is easier to love humanity as a whole than to love one's neighbour."

See you soon

Words by broken Heart-
Another Sunset and another Day without you :(
Im waiting for the Sunrise with a Hope to See you Soon ...

That Love

Lines by A True Lover...
Love that we cannot have,
The one that lasts the
longest, hurts the deepest
and feels the strongest.

That Love

Lines by A True Lover...
Love that we cannot have,
The one that lasts the
longest, hurts the deepest
and feels the strongest.

I miss you like crazy

I'm missing YOU like crazy I think I'm going mad I simply can't stop thinking of the special times we had. Each moment lasts an hour Each hour lasts a day.

Love is like a CD track

Love is like a CD track
That links our hearts together
Dont ever break that CD
Because that would break my heart too........

Love stay forever

A candle may melt and it's
fire may die, but the love
you have given me will
always stay as a flame in
my heart.

I Love You

My soul REACTED,
My heart ACCEPTED,
Thousands were REJECTED,
but you were selected to be my sweet Heart...
I Love You.


Strange but interesting fact-

A Girl's character represents her Family,
whereas a Boy's character represents his Friends..!!


Why are the People whom we truly Love always Standng at the Last Place when you look for them?
Because  we Stop luking further we see them.

for Me itz "you".

Colorful Bridge

A deep Love is like rainbow, when the perfect amount of happiness and tears are mixed, the result is a colorful bridge between Two hearts.

Who is lover

Who is A Lover..:He/She is Someone who tells you things while you are alive, things that others tell after you die.

Lucky person

I wish i was your Blanket on your Bed, i wish i was ur Pillow underneath ur Head,
So that Hold you Tight and be the Lucky Person who Kisses you.