Love is..

Love doesn't mean to win someone..
It means to lose yourself for someone..
It is not done by the excellence of mind..
It is done by the purity of heart..!!

I Die

I Die every Single Moment whenever you look Me in the Eye and Give a Killer Smile, that Smile Blows me away.

Excellent message

Excellent message and i  have read it many times n it still is a fresh

It was their anniversary, and Aisha was waiting for her husband Rajiv to show up.

Things had changed since their marriage, the once cute couple couldn't-live-without-each-other had turned bitter.

Fighting over every little things, both didn't like the way things had changed.

Aisha was waiting to see if Rajiv remembered it was their anniversary!

Just as the door bell rang she ran to find her husband wet and smiling with a bunch of flowers in his hand.

The two started re-living the old days. Making up for fights, then was d plan for champagne, light music And it was raining outside! It was perfect.

But the moment paused when the phone in the bedroom rang.

Aisha went to pick it up and it was a man. "Hello ma'am I'm calling from the police station. Is this Mr Rajiv Mehra's number?"

"Yes it is!"

"I'm sorry ma'am; but there was an accident and a man died.

We got this number from his wallet; we need you to come and identify his body."

Aisha's heart sank.!!! She was shocked!

But my husband is here with me?"

"Sorry ma'am, but the incident took place at 2 pm, when he was boarding the train."

Aisha was about to lose her conscience.

How could this happen?!

She had heard about the soul of the person coming to meet a loved one before it leaves!

She ran into the other room.

He was not there. It was true!   had left her for good!!

Oh God she would have died for another chance to mend every little fight! She rolled on the floor in pain. She lost her chance! Forever!

Suddenly there was a noise from the bathroom, the door opened and Rajiv came out and said "Darling, I forgot to tell you my wallet got stolen today".


Let's start making amends.

To parents

To siblings

To friends

And many more.

No one has a promised tomorrow.

Have a wonderful Life with no regrets!

This has to be one of the best message 

The Happiest Couples

The Happiest Couples never have the same Character. They have the best understanding of their Differences.

How Rich I am

I Check My Pocket
I Found Nothing..!
I Check My Wallet
I Found Few Coins..!
I Check My Heart
I Found You..!
"Then I Realised How Rich I am.."

Give Someone a Gift

"If you really want to Give Someone a Gift
Try giving them your Time and Attention"
A Loving Heart Doesn't expect Anything more than That.

So special

There are a lot of people who call you by your name, but there is only one person who can make it sound so special.

Cute Feeling

"Cute Feeling For My sweet HeArt"
My Hands Never Pain
When Typing Message For You,
But My Heart Always
In Pain When There Is No Reply..

Every Girl wish

Every Girl wish to have a Teddy from her Boyfriend, so if you have not Gifted It to Her yet, Go & Gift it to Her Today,
So that She can Hug it Whenever she Misses YOU.

Being with YOU

Being with YOU is like having every single one of my wish Come True..

When the Days seem Longer

When the Days seem Longer than you can Handle, look at Me & I will be your Candle,
In a Dark World filled with Hate, I will be with you till the End of Fate!

Do you Know

"A Girl doesn't Need to tell you How she Feels, it's Written all over Her Eyes".

I Listen

I Listen to the same Song for Hours, just because it Reminds me of "you". (:
I don't why i love you.

Loved me & I LOVE YOU

I am so Blessed to have you in my Life, the Love we share is so awesome,
I only Dreamed for this Kind of Love but you made it Happen you Loved me & I LOVE YOU.

My Honest Attitude

My Honest Attitude-

I May Not Have Sense How To Make People Happy.
I Am Clear In My Mind That There Is No Intension To Hurt Someone..
But if you get hurt then I Am Sorry.

This Love is Love

This Love is Love the Love best
Love way Love to Love say Love u Love that Love i Love Miss Love u Love.
Read it again without word 'Love'..


I Have Two Eyes But Can't See You Daily...
I Have Two Ears But Can't Hear You Daily
I Have One Heart To Remember You Daily.."

No matter

No matter how "busy" a persons day might be. If they "really care", they'll always find time for you...!!

Smile is Smile

Whats the difference between your smile and my smile?

You smile when you are happy.

I smile because you are happy.!

Your Name

Heart beats can skipped once in a while, Memories can be kept in a File but my Face never misses a Smile when your Name Flashes on my Mobile.

You don't have to be perfect

You don't have to be perfect to let somebody love you,
being yourself is the best way to make sumone fall in love with you--!

A Cute Definition of Love

A Cute Definition of Love....
''Be this, Be that'' is not Love".
"Be Anything But be Mine'' is true Love...!!

Message to my Sweetheart

Message to my Sweetheart-
''The day i will stop Loving you, is the day when i close my Eyes Forever''.

You are in love

''You know you are in Love when the Smile on His Face makes you Forget the Tears in your eyes."

One in a Million

''Sumtimes Boys get more Sensitive and Emotional if they Love Truly and you have to Admit that He is One in a Million''.!!

L () \/ E

L () \/ E
Is A Pathway Of Many
Colors and Dead Ends.
But When
The Right Path Is
Chosen The Sights Are Amazing...

Lovely Thought

Lovely thought: "Dont judge your lovely person by what others says..
Your lovely person may be heartly true to you but not to others..

Feel Good

Feel Good when somebody Miss you.
Feel better when Somebody Loves you.
Feel Best when Somebody never Forgets you.!

Thinking about you

You have no idea how hard is it to stop
myself from thinking about you sometimes...!!
Love you ForEver..!


"A Kiss is a Lovely Trick Designed By Nature to
Stop sPeech wHen woRDs Become

Morning, Noon & Night

Your Heart is my Home, Warm, Cozy & Nice, It's the only Place, I love to be in,
Morning, Noon & Night..

A poem for my sweet friend

A poem for my sweet friend.
I am Sweet
But Honey is YOU,
Image is Mine
But Colours are YOU,
Flower is Me
But Fragnance is YOU,
I am Happy
But Reason is YOU. :)

Your Future

Great Line
"If sumone in your Life Makes you forget your PAST..
That Someone is probably Your FUTURE"

Its True in Case of Love..

Feeling in this world

The most perfect Feeling in this World is to have Sumone's Hand in Yours and you know that you are Holding your World.

Feeling in this world

The most perfect Feeling in this World is to have Sumone's Hand in Yours and you know that you are Holding your World.

Why we live

A Girl asked a Boy: why we Fall in a Relationship, when we know dat Some day it will End.
Boy:i will answer you
But first , tell me why do we Live when we know that Someday we will Die ?

The most perfect feeling

The most perfect Feeling in this World is to have Sumone's Hand in Yours and you know that you are Holding your World.


You are my Air,
the Sun in my Day,
the Moon in my Night,
the Spring in my Step,
you are my Everything.
-i love you Sweetheart ..
Yours love.


LOveship iS A PRiceless GiFt That CanT Be Bought Or Sold
To Have An UnderStanding Lover iS Far More Worth Than Gold.


Eyes are Tired To See
Lips are Tired To Speak
Feet are Tired To Walk
My HEART Never Tired To LOVE You !

Only Close Persons

"OnLy cLosE PersoN Can Easily iDentIfy sOme LittLe LiEs iN Your SMiLe
S0mE MorE TrUth iN Your TearS...
NevEr MiSs them iN Your LifE.."


The only way i could Hurt you,
is by Biting your Lips when i Torridly Kiss you.

When We Met

Once upon a time, something Happened to me. It was the Sweetest thing that ever could be, it was a Fantasy, a Dream come True. It was the  day WHEN WE MET.

I Remember You

I Get Many Friends New,
But Not as Sweet as YOU.
I Never Try to Remember you,
Because I Never Forget YOU...

I Like You

I Like the People Like YOU who Like
others Like ME and Make the  others Like ME to Like YOU.
Read it Again
There is a Wonderful Meaning
"TaKe CaRe."

Talk to HER

It's incredible how one person can

make such a big difference in ur life.
When she ignores you, that's when
you need to talk to her most.!

I Like

I Like the People Like YOU who Like
others Like ME and Make the others Like ME to Like YOU.
Read it Again
There is a Wonderful Meaning...
"TaKe CaRe"


Time is the Most Playful Element.
Because It Lengthens the Minutes When You Wait For Someone.
& Rushes the Hours When You Enjoy
Special Moments With Love once .!

Because I Love You

"If you don't Know, then Ask me.
If you don't Agree, then Argue with me.
If you don't Like, then Say it to me,
But don't start Judging me Silently".
Because I Love You.

Twinkle in my Eyes

You're the Twinkle in my Eyes,
you're the Song in my Laugh,
you're the Light in my Smile.
You're the Shine of my Eyes
-you're Everything for me.

I never forget you

My Msgs are few,
Yet my heart is true..
I Get Many frnds new,
But not as sweet as you..
I never try to  remember you..
Because I never forget you..


Life Received
Mind Received
Ear Received
Eyes Received
Heart Received
Your Attract

A Million Times

If i ever write a story about my Life, don't be Surprised when your Name appears a Million Times.

I Need You

To Live This Life
I Need Heart Beat.
TO have a heart Beat
I need a heart.
To have a heart
I need Happiness.
To have a Happiness
I need you

Evergreen Quote

Evergreen quote ever told by Jerry in cartoon-
"A Person Who Irritates you Always Is the one Who Loves you Very Much But Fails to Express It''

Missing You

"Missing you is a very Small word, the extent of which is felt when the winds strike my door and i feel you passing by & I Can't Express..!"

A Part

A Part of you has Grown in Me and so you See, it's You & Me Together
Forever and Never apart, maybe in
Distance but Never in Heart.

A poem for my sweet friend

A poem for my sweet friend.
I am Sweet
But Honey is YOU,
Image is Mine
But Colours are YOU,
Flower is Me
But Fragnance is YOU,
I am Happy
But Reason is YOU. :)

Your Mistake

If you happen to miss a person whom you loved so much,
Its your fate.
If you give a chance to miss a person who loved you so much,
its your mistake..!

There are things

There are Things that we don't want to Happen but have to Accept,
Things we don't want to know but have to Learn & People we Can't Live Without but have to Let Go!

A broken heart

A broken heart is like a borken mirror.
It is better to leave it broken than hurt yourself trying to fix it.

I get the best feeling

I get the best feeling in the world
when you say hi to me, or even smile,
because I know even if just for a
second, I crossed your mind.

Hollow Heart of mine

The Sun can't Remember how to Shine
& the Colors all have Faded into Shades of Gray,
There's No Life in this Hollow Heart of Mine,
Ever since you Went Away.

Live for You

This is a moon which learns from you,
That is a sun which respects you,
There are stars which shine for you,
And here, It's me who live for you.

Stay With Me

There Were Times You Make Me Cry...
Looking For A Reason Why...
There Were
Times You Make Me Fly...
Stay With Me Until I Die...
Stay With Me.!!


Sometimes  you miss me,but most of the time I do.
Sometimes you sms me,but most
of the time I do.
Sometimes you forgot me thats the only thing"I NEVER DO"..:-|

Live for You

This is a moon which learns from you,
That is a sun which respects you,
There are stars which shine for you,
And here, It's me who live for you.


Some Promises are always Unbroken,
Some Memories are always Unwritten.
Feel the Magic of TRUE Relation
YOU'll Realize That Real Feelings are Always Unspoken

Gal & Boy are praying together

Gal & Boy are praying together,

Gal-"GOD, please fulfill all his wishes"
Guy-"GOD, you don't have to worry, I'm still alive to fulfill all her wishes-"

Too Much

Most of the fights between the true
hearts are not due to problems,
its because one loves too much & other loves more than that..!:)

Its Crazy

"It's Crazy how you can go Months or Years without Talking to Sumone but they still Cross your Mind Everyday".
Just give A Call .


"Sometimes you Forgive People Simply
because You still want Them in your Life".

Damn Special

There are a lot People who call you by Your name,
but there is only ONE PERSON who can make it sound so damn SPECIAL.

*Stay Special*

Whom you love .

The Life

"In the whole World you think that your life is small
Somebody who loves you they think that you are the life..!!

A Priceless Moment

A Priceless Moment Is
'When The Person That YOU Have Fallen In Love With,
Looks YOU Right In The Eyes To Tell YOU That They Have Fallen In Love With YOU.


Don't lose the one you love for the one you like because the one you like might lose you for who they love.

They Loved

Don't lose the one you love for the one you like because the one you like might lose you for who they love.

What is Love ?

Love is kind, beautiful, and gives you the warmest feelings inside.
love is not cruel, it doesnt hurt.


I looked at a flower and thought
it was the most beautiful thing I've
ever seen till I met you.

Heart of Stone

There are so many Reasons for what i do but No Reasons can Explain why i Love you,
Because Love has No Depth of its Own but a Hint of Love can Melt a Heart of Stone.


FEELINGS don't just GO AWAY. You either have them FOREVER or you NEVER had them at all.


Loving someone isn't when you picture yourself with them, it's realizing that you can't live without them.


"Don't settle for the one you can live with,
wait for the one you can't live without."

True Love is

True Love is Eternal, Infinite & always like Itself. It is Equal & Pure, without Violent Demonstration. It is seen with White Hairs & is always Young in the Heart.

Sound of my Name

I Love the Sound of my Name in your Voice, the Pictures & Memories we Share, the Moments when I am in your Arms & Feel like I am Going to Melt.!!
I love you

I Need....

"I need to talk to you."

That one sentence has the power to make you remember every single bad thing you did in your whole life.!


Girls will Never Tell you what Really is in their Mind. They could be Jealous, Angry, Disappointed, Sad but Won't Admit it.!!
Take care of them.

Miss You Always

You must be a Good Runner because you are always Runing in my Mind,
YOU must be a Good Thief because you have Stolen my Heart & I am always a Bad Shooter because I Miss YOU Always.

Like this...

If someone would ask Me what a Beautiful Life Means ?

I would Lean my Head On your Shoulder & Hold you Close to Me & Answer with a Smile 'like this'..

My love

I am feeling so happy,
Do you know why ?
Because I am so lucky,
Do you know how ?
Because God loves me.
Do you know how ?
Because he gave me a gift.
Do you know what ?
Its YOU my Love.

Love Me

Every beat of my heart makes me Realise that with you every Place is a Paradise & I Wonder how did i get so Lucky,
Every time you say that you Love Me.


Love is strong yet delicate.
It can be broken.
To truly love is to understand this.
To be in love is to respect this.


Love isn't finding the perfect person,
It is finding the imperfect person and seeing how they are perfect.

It's everything

When you love someone, it's something.
When someone loves you, it's another thing.
When you love the person who loves you back, it's everything.


Girl: Promise Me That, U will Not Love Any Other Girl after Me..!

Boy: I Love you but I can't Promise So..!

Girl (Crying): Means you will have Someone in Ur Heart..!

Boy (Smiling): The Girl I will Love after you, Will Call you Mom..

I Love you or I Miss you

What will be the Most Valuable Line:
I Love you or I Miss you.
The person wants to be with you Say I Love you,
But The person who Can't live Without you will Always Says I Miss you!

A Lot Love

I am not sure what life could bring.
I'm not sure if dreams come true,
I'm not sure what love can do.
But am very sure about one thing "
I like you a lot.

I love it

"i Love it when you Remember the Little Things about Me that i Thought you would Forget"..

Two Hearts

Two Hearts make love.Many Hearts try to break that love.
But Making or Breaking depends on the level which that Two Hearts Beats for each other.

The rest of my life

A boy and his Girlfriend were standing
infront of a mirror:
The girl asked, " What do you see ?"
The boy smiled and said ,
" The rest of my life "

Roses are Jealous

Boy to his Girlfriend while entering in Garden-
"Hey baby you cannot enter in the Garden.

Girl: why?

Boy: Because Roses are Jealous of you".

Miss YOU

"Miss YOU Wen I Smell any Rose!
Miss YOU Wen I Taste any Sweet!
Miss YOU Wen I look at the Moon!
But Specially Miss YOU Wen I Raise My Hands For Praying!"

Born At Last

I am your journey's end,
my name is "destiny fulfilled"
you are the fyre that ignites my own
a love, a passion so deeply thrilled.

Come to me... let me reach out
and touch your flesh, so hot
you are my lust, my love;
feast on me- in you I am caught.

Whirling winds of passion flow,
between our worlds that are apart,
I travel in the mists of tyme...
to hold your mind and heart.

My blood is mingled in your veins,
of me you can never be free,
Colours burst behind closed eyes,
for only your soul to see.

Your voice whispers to me,
in dreams you come and take all-
from my very life you feed
O how I heed your call.

You carry me to a bed of roses,
removing all the thorns,
and I will forever belong to you,
in this love, I am born.
Author: Avery Robertson

Some Dreams

Some Dreams In Life Will Remain As Dream
Not Because We Cant Achieve It,
That Dream Demands Someone to Be Part Of It Who Can Never Be With Us! (:

A fantastic quote for life time

A fantastic quote for life time:-

"Satisfy the person who expects a smile from YOU..


Surprise the person who never expected anything from YOU.

How much

So many ways to say "I Love You",
Not Enough Words in the World to say How Much...!! :)

Live with You

'No one in the world is born for you,
but you can make someone to live for you'

Live the life in such a way that others love to live with you.


"When i Die, Don't Come Near to My Body.!
Because My Hands May not come to wipe Your tears..!!
I love you now,yesterday and forever.

My valentine

If you were my valentine
I'd search the endless skies
to find the perfect starlight
that would compliment your eyes
and keep it in a wishing well

We care

Strength grows when we dare,

Unity grows when we cheer,

Affection grows when we share &

Relation grows when we care..!!

Wish fairy

Wish fairy came to me and asked my wish,
I told her my wish.
she became said and "i can't give you a fairy".
You know what was my wish it was "YOU"

Time is wasted

Never Waste time for Someone
Who doesn't even bother Spendng
time for you ,
Be with Someone who will Say
"Time is Wasted if i am not with you"

I Love you Darling

I wish..
I break my Rib to make a Pen.
Cut my Skin to make a Paper.
Take my Blood to make an Ink.
And Write to you-
"I Love you Darling"

Life becomes interesting

Life becomes interesting when you start Speaking with your eyes.
But, life becomes more interesting when Someone starts reading those eyes....

When You Got SMS

When You Got SMS.
You will ThInk that Sender Has SMS
also Think That
"'He has Spent One Valuable Minute Of
Life To Remember YOU.


"Understanding" is much Deeper than "Trust".
There are Many people Who know us But Very Few Who Understand Us.

Loved by Someone

When a Noisy person become Silent means that he is in Love..
When a Silent person become Noisy means that he is Exclusively Loved by Someone ..!!

Girl's Love

I have never been a material girl.
My father always told me never to love anything that cannot love you back.

I had a friend

I am not an important person in your life But one day when you hear my name you would just smile and say.
'i had a friend in this name'
That's enough for me..!!


My Love for you surpasses all the beauties of the world,
The rivers that run deep, deeper does my love run,
The clouds up in the sky, higher does my love rise,
The oceans and lands far and wide, farther does my love reach,
My love for you surpasses my own feelings,
Hurt I might be to see you walk away from me,
But the joys to see you happy, shall take it all away from me,
Cry as I might not to have you,
Harder shall I cry to see you hurt,
My love for you surpasses all of these,
My love for you surpasses me.

I cares for YOU

If 10 people  care for YOU,
One of them is me.
If 1 person cares for YOU,
that would be me again.
If no one cares for YOU,
that means I am not in this world.

Candy Store

I'm like a Kid in a Candy Store looking for that Perfect Piece of Candy,
Then you Came Along & Became the Sweetest Thing in my World.


Somethings are left undone,
some words are.left unsaid,
some fellings are left unexpressed but someone as nice as you could never be left unmissed.

A heart is a small place

A heart is a small place where many
people can dwell.
Want to visIt the place ?
Here's my heart,
open it and you'll see that you've got a big place in it.

The sweetest scene

What could be the sweetest scene you could ever witness on the earth ?

It is watching your loved one sleeping and murmuring your name.

A heart is a small place

A heart is a small place where many
people can dwell.
Want to visIt the place ?
Here's my heart,
open it and you'll see that you've got a big place in it.

How Much

So many ways to say "I Love You",
Not Enough Words in the World to say How Much...!! :)


When I'm Alone,
I Think of So Many
Things To Say To You,
But When I Have A Chance To Tell
I Go Speechless..!

The day we met

The day we met,
That was by chance,
but the relationship we had,
was more then we could sense.

Am I crazy or Is This love ?

It seems you were sent straight to me from above

Your smile is bright enough to bring the day

Your eyes so blue, I just have to say

There couldn't be anything more perfect in one place

Your beauty is much deeper than just your face

They say love takes time but yet . . . .

It feels as if we've already met

It feels like we were meant to be

Together forever . . . You and Me


The moment I opened my heart and let you in
I saw this great love starting to begin.
I opened my eyes to a vision of you
I hope, I pray your feelings are true.
I have loved and I have paid the cost
And I have felt the pain of the love I lost.
But, now, I think I have truly found
An Angel who walks upon the ground.
You go beyond all limits for me
Just to show your love endlessly.
I could search my whole life through
And never find another 'you'.
You are so special that I wanted you to know
I truly, completely love you so.
i love you

Author: Patricia Annette Roden


I never had any Clue Since the Start,
That Someday you'll Rip my Heart apart,
We were never meant to be  Together
But in my Dreams we are Together Forever.
i love you .


The One Who Compares YOU With
Others Is Not Aware Of YOUR Worth
The Indication Of Sincerity Arises from
The Concept Of Being Matchless..!!

Miss YOU

"Miss YOU When I Smell any Rose!
Miss YOU When I Taste any Sweet!
Miss YOU When I look at the Moon!
But Specially Miss YOU When I Raise My Hands For Praying!"

I want to Declare

I want to Declare for Now & Forever
more that im Deeply & Passionately in Love with you.
You are the Light in my Life &
the only Star in my Personal Heaven.

I missed me Too

Words by Broken Heart-
You say you Missed me,
well i Missed me Too,
because i was Never myself whenever i was with "you".!!

Every experience

Every experience brings out something Good;
Good Times become GOOD Memories,
Bad Times become GOOD Lessons.
we never Lose
we Only Gain from Life.
like i got YOU

Don't go on the way

Don't go on the way life makes you to go,
make life to go on the way made by you.
Remember you are not born to live but you are living because you are born.:-)
and i born to love you.......

Hurt me

A very short and nice lines said by true Friends for holding true friendship:

"..Hurt me with the truth..:-
..Never comfort me with a lie...


Perfection is not achieved completely by anyone in world,
but if you keep chasing perfection somewhere on the way you may catch excellence.
beware don't loose your love for perfection.


Difficulties in your life does not come to destroy YOU.But, to help you to realize your hidden potentials.Let Difficulties Know That YOU ARE MORE DIFFICULT.
i love you

Start living

When you share yourself with others,
Life begins to find its meaning...
But the time you touch
The heart of others is the moment you truly start living.

Sound become Music

Sound become music,
Movement becomes dance,
Smile becomes laughter &
Life becomes celebration.
When old friend keep in touch.

Some times

Some times missing is more precious than being together..
Because we Miss only those people with whom we Always want to be Together.


Inviting - exciting - emotion
with power I had never known,
a world of unchained devotion
because you were my very own.
I had fallen in love with you.

Together we sailed in springtime
to an isle beyond seas of blue,
and when we returned, a new life
was waiting, in a valley of dreams
where I first fell in love with you.

When God gives us

Wen God gives us 'NO' for an ans keep in mind that there is a much greater 'YES' behind it.
His 'NO' is not a 'REJECTION', but a 'REDIRECTION'

Take Care of Ourselves

None of us is so Immature for not Being able to Handle and Take Care of Ourselves..
But we Don't Want To be Mature.
Because we Want Someone Else to Do That for us.

People Are Beautiful

People Are Not Beautiful
As They Look
As They Walk.
As They Wear-!!

People Are Beautiful
As They LOVE..
As They Care
As They Share-

Sweetest scene

What could be the sweetest scene you could ever witness on the earth ?

It is watching your loved one sleeping and murmuring your name.

Will you Marry me ?

For my Sweet Girls friend -

Will you Marry me ?

A. Yes

B. a

C. b

Reply ..

-Prposing like a Boss !


When you are Wrong & you surrender, you are Honest..
When you are in Doubt & you surrender, you are Wise..
When you are Right & you surrender, then you are in "LOVE"...

Keep love in your heart

Love defined by true Lover...

"Keep love in your heart.
A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead."

My Love is TRUE

Feelings are many but words are few,
Clouds are dark but sky is blue;
Love is a paper, life is glue,
Every thing is false,
Only My Love is TRUE.


Write a sweet mellow song of love
Dedicated to an angel from above
Underneath serene blue moonlight
While heavenly stars shine tonight.
Brightly gleaming hundreds of celestial lights
Above curvy treetops of neighboring heights
Continuously sparkle through the whole night
As the rhythm of this song flow perfectly right.
Melting away all the troubles in a distant gloom
Drifting away completely out of the bitter doom
Being like gentle swans on a lake of true serenity
Avoiding vigilantly the vigorous waves of calamity.
Diminishing doubt as well as existing sorrow
Spreading the blissful tender love into morrow
Flying across seventh heaven on wings of a dove
Singing a melodious song on an everlasting love.

By Hemakumar Nanayakkara


We Miss Someone Only for TWO
The person is in your heart OR either
You Wanted to be in That person's Heart.

Love Quotes

Shakespeare said,
"A Boy & a Girl can never be Friends

Lincoln said,
"Friendship is the starting step for
what we call Love."

Wordsworth said,
"Proposing a Boy or a Girl for
Friendship is nothing but indirectly
saying, I LOVE U."

Jackie Chan said,
"Love is a everlasting Friendship."

Michael Jackson said,
"If one can become your Best Friend,
then He or She can easily become
your Life Partner!

I Miss you more

I Miss you more & more Each Day,
There is so much more i had to say,
I know we will meet Again But still i
Miss you more & more Again.


When you truly care for someone.
Their mistakes never change our feelings.

BECAUSE only the mind gets angry.
But the heart still loves them.

The Best DATE

"The Best DATE is with Someone who can take you anywhere Without Touching anything, But your HEART".

Because of YOU

:*""*:, The
*;,%,:* Beauty
__)(__ of life does not depend on how happy you are, but how happy others can be because of YOU...:-)

The Little Moment

The Little Moment that I Spend with you make my Life beautiful Day by Day,
Silently in my Heart I want to Thank God for Bringing such a Wonderful Person in my Way !

I am waiting

Another Sunset and another Day without you :(
I am waiting for the Sunrise with a Hope to See you Soon ...


Your smile awakens my soul,
As the sun awakens the day.
A kiss and my life is yours,
It seems a fair price to pay.
Your touch arouses my senses,
As the moon arouses the night.
Hold me and win me forever,
In your arms all things are right.
Your heart endures all emotion,
As the sky endures all the stars.
Love me and we'll have eternity,
There is no greater love than ours.

Author: Randall Drymen 

Express your feelings

Love is a wonderful feeling that should be expressed as otherwise u may end up losing the person u love, so it important to convey your feeling.

Best medicine

Best medicine for the human creature is LOVE."
Someone asked: "If it doesn't work?"
He smiled and answered: just

I Never Wanna Miss

Your Arms Are My Favorite Place.
I Forget Every Thing in Your Embrace.
I See Heaven When You kiss Wonderful Feelings I Never Wanna Miss..!!


"You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel"


The best thing about me is you. I love you.


Please tell me your INGREDIENTS.because I mixed 100kg sugar with 80kg chocolate and 60 kg honey but ..still i can't make a personas sweet as you.


Words simply cannot tell how much I love you.
There aren't enough words in the world to express my feelings for you,
so I will just say: I Love You

I Love You In 21 Different Languages!

English - I love you.

Bengali - Aami Tumaake Bhaalo Baashi

Polish - Ja Kocham Ciebie

French - Je T'aime

Hindi - Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte Hai

Czech - Miluji Te

Slovakian - Lu'Bim Ta

Italian - Ti Amo

Ukrainian - Ya Tebe Kahayu

German - Ish Libe Dish

Chinese - Wo Ai Ni

Greek - S'agapo

Hawaian - Aloha Wau Ia Oi

Lithuianian - Tav Myliu

Korean - Sa Rang Hae Yo

Japanese - Ai Shi Te Ru

Romanian - Te Ubsec

Bosnian - Volim Te

Albanian - Te Dua

Filipino - Mahal Kita

Spanish - Te Amo

this is......I Love You In 21 Different Languages!


"I dont know if Life is Greater than Death,

But Love is Greater than Both".!!