You are accused of crawling into
my HEART,& hijacking my smiles with your care.
How do you plead ? GUILTY!
YOU are sentenced to be MY Better Half for -LIFE-

Sweet Person

Please tell me your INGREDIENTS.because I mixed 100kg sugar with 80kg chocolate and 60 kg honey but ..still i can't make a personas sweet as you.


Sometings are left undone,
some words are.left unsaid,
some fellings are left unexpressed but someone as nice as you could never be left unmissed.

Who deserved me

Nor I m single...
Nor commited..
I'm simply reserved...
For the one..
Who deserved me.


If 10 people care for you,
one of them is me,
if one person cares for you that would be me again,
if no one cares for you that means i am not in this world.

I Miss You

Close Your Eyes ....,

Relax Your Body....
and Stop Breathing As Long As You

Now Breath...

I Miss You As Much As You Missed The Air..!

A gift

With both hands I sought my gift,
I still did not have a clue,
Then God put your hand in mine,
And said His gift to me was YOU!

A heart is a small place

A heart is a small place where many
people can dwell.
Want to visIt the place ?

Here's my heart,
open it and you'll see that you've got a big place in it.

Avoiding Something

"Avoiding Something doesn't always mean that you Hate it..
It could also mean that you Want it, but you just know that it isn't Yours".!!

The day I met you

As i look back in my past i remember the tears i cried,
the jokes i laughed at and the is one thing that i will never forget is the day i met you.

I am not Alone

YOU are everywhere to me.
When I close my eyes its you I see. You are everything I know thats make me believe.
I am not Alone.

My Heart

A soup can remove a stain,
heat of sun can remove morning mist
but not even a heart transplant can remove you from my heart

Your Smile

Your smile makes my day most
successful but if i couldnt see your face that day for me will be the worst among all.


"My Heart Is Like A Facebook Status..

I Can Remove Ur Comments

I Can't Erase Your Likes.!"

Its Love

If you touch & do not feel then its a
if you do not touch & you do not feel the its nothing
but if you do not touch & feel its a LOVE.

The Day

YOU are the one whose thought for a sec in my mind makes my every movement pleasure through out the day.

No Meaning

There is no meaning of NIGHT without MOON,
There is no meaning of SEA without WATER,
There is no meaning of ME without YOU.

The Little Moment

The Little Moment that I Spend with you make my Life beautiful Day by Day,
Silently in my Heart I want to Thank God for Bringng such a Wonderful Person in my Way !

Without You

Don't Force Sumone to Remember
you all the Time.
Just stay Silent & let them Realize How will they be Without you in their Life.!!

Happiness and Love

You are the parts of being mine and I hope I always be a parts of you to bring to your life a plenty of happiness and love.

Close my Eyes forever

Whenever I want to see u,i'll just close my eyes,
if God decides to take you away from me then i'll ask God to close my eyes forever......

Do YOU Know

Do YOU Know

the Worst Thing Of Life,

"Somebody Have Tears In Eyes BECAUSE OF YOU",


The Best Thing Is,

"Somebody Have Tears In Eyes FOR

You are special

If I could give one thing in my life,
I would give the ability to see yourself through my eyes,
only then you realize how special you are to me.


Whenever I Think of you,
I Think of Time we Spent Together,
When you First Kissed Me and said you will be Mine Forever.!!


Strange Truth:

Generally we Believe Our Memory is Weak...
When We Want to forget Someone,
We begin to Realise how Powerful Our Memory is.!

For Someone

For Someone:

Just because you know someone would wait for you forever,
it doesn't mean you can let them wait that long...


Great minds contain ideas, solutions and reasons.
Scientific minds contain formulas, theories and figures...
My mind contains only you.

I am often Misunderstood

When you Feel Bitterness for Me, Look into your Memory to Find at least One Good Moment you havee Spent with Me..

I am Not Bad Always,
I am often Misunderstood!

Thinking of YOU

Someone Remembers,
Somebody Cares,
YOUR Name Is Whispered In Somebody"s Prayers,
Keep The Bright Hope Of Sunshine
In View, Someone Is Warmly Thinking of YOU.

I never fall ill

Your words are ANTIBIOTICS,
Your smile is ANALGESIC,
Your touch is ANTI-INFLAMATORY,,
That's why I never fall ill.


A DOCTOR can save my life.
A LAWYER can defend my life.
A SOLDIER can give me a peaceful life.
But only You can give me a MEANINGFUL LIFE.

Stay With Me

There Were Times You Make Me Cry...
Looking 4 A Reason Why...
There Were Times You Make Me Fly...
Stay With Me Until I Die...
Stay With Me

I miss YOU

Every Time the Phone Rings,
i Breath in Slowly and Pray that its Finally "you", Calling to say,
i Miss you too.!! (: