
Time is the Most Playful Element.

Because It Lengthens the Minutes When You Wait For Someone.
& Rushes the Hours When You Enjoy
Special Moments With Love once .!

Because I Love You

"If you don't Know, then Ask me.
If you don't Agree, then Argue with me.
If you don't Like, then Say it to me,
But don't start Judging me Silently".
Because I Love You.

Twinkle in my Eyes

You're the Twinkle in my Eyes,
you're the Song in my Laugh,
you're the Light in my Smile.
You're the Shine of my Eyes
-you're Everything for me.

I never forget you

My Messages are few,
Yet my heart is true..
I Get Many friends new,
But not as sweet as you..
I never try to  remember you..
Because I never forget you..


Life Received

Mind Received
Ear Received
Eyes Received
Heart Received
Your Attract

A Million Times

If i ever write a story about my Life, don't be Surprised when your Name appears a Million Times.

I Need You

To Live This Life
I Need Heart Beat.
TO have a heart Beat
I need a heart.
To have a heart
I need Happiness.
To have a Happiness
I need you

Evergreen Quote

Evergreen quote ever told by Jerry in cartoon-
"A Person Who Irritates you Always Is the one Who Loves you Very Much But Fails to Express It''

Missing You

"Missing you is a very Small word, the extent of which is felt when the winds strike my door and i feel you passing by & I Can't Express..!"

A Part

A Part of you has Grown in Me and so you See, it's You & Me Together

Forever and Never apart, maybe in
Distance but Never in Heart.

Forever in My Heart

Forever in My Heart, you would be Cherishd and in My Mind you are always Thought of we may be Far away but in My Heart you Remain one of the Special Person I Gained
in life.

Your Mistake

If you happen to miss a person whom you loved so much,

Its your fate.
If you give a chance to miss a person who loved you so much,
its your mistake..!

There are things

There are Things that we don't want to Happen but have to Accept,

Things we don't want to know but have to Learn & People we Can't Live Without but have to Let Go!

I Love you Darling

I wish..
I break my Rib to make a Pen.
Cut my Skin to make a Paper.
Take my Blood to make an Ink.
And Write to you-
"I Love you Darling"

I get the best feeling

I get the best feeling in the world

when you say hi to me, or even smile,
because I know even if just for a
second, I crossed your mind.

Life becomes interesting

Life becomes interesting when you start Speaking with your eyes.
But, life becomes more interesting when Someone starts reading those eyes....

When You Got SMS

When You Got SMS.
You will ThInk that Sender Has SMS
also Think That
"'He has Spent One Valuable Minute Of
Life To Remember YOU.


"Understanding" is much Deeper than "Trust".
There are Many people Who know us But Very Few Who Understand Us.


Sometimes  you miss me,but most of the time I do. 

Sometimes you sms me,but most
of the time I do.
Sometimes you forgot me thats the only thing"I NEVER DO"..:-|

Live for You

This is a moon which learns from you,

That is a sun which respects you,
There are stars which shine for you,
And here, It's me who live for you.

I cares for YOU

If 10 people  care for YOU,
One of them is me.
If 1 person cares for YOU,
that would be me again.
If no one cares for YOU,
that means I am not in this world


My Love for you surpasses all the beauties of the world,
The rivers that run deep, deeper does my love run,
The clouds up in the sky, higher does my love rise,
The oceans and lands far and wide, farther does my love reach,
My love for you surpasses my own feelings,
Hurt I might be to see you walk away from me,
But the joys to see you happy, shall take it all away from me,
Cry as I might not to have you,
Harder shall I cry to see you hurt,
My love for you surpasses all of these,
My love for you surpasses me.

A study on love

A study on the human brain discovered that when you first fall in love, your brain experiences panic & anxiety!


Somethings are left undone,

some words are.left unsaid,
some fellings are left unexpressed but someone as nice as you could never be left unmissed.